I've been looking forward to my May 27th departure date since 6th grade. 12 years!! I finally got an internship with the UN World Food Programme (British Spelling:) in the Gambia. The Gambia is a small country in West Africa that is on the Gambian river and surrounded by Senegal. I'll be staying in the capital, Banjul which is an island right on the Atlantic coast and the Gambian river~my kind of place! The WFP is working on revamping the national school meals program so I'll be helping with that.
Last week I put the pocket change I've been saving for 12 year to pay for my plane ticket. It took 3 trips to the bank to take the money because it was SO heavy! I also got my vaccinations. Luckily I only had to get a few (Polio, yellow fever, and a Hep A booster) since I've had to have lots of vaccinations for other trips. I had a site reaction to two of the vaccinations but it only lasted a few days. I sent off for my visa, got my official internship agreement form and got my first official Gambia guide book. I also signed for my diploma for my masters, which I will receive while I'm gone! Woo! Hoo! Finally done with school!
A few minor details still need to be figured out. Namely, where am I going to live? and what do I need to pack? The UN may have a guest house I can stay in but they haven't e-mailed me back. I'm planning on booking a hotel or guest house the first few days until I find someplace longer term. I'm also hoping that the official Gambia guidebook gives details on what to pack. Other than that, just spending lots of time with friends and family before my little adventure.
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